KAFKA制作「Recovery in 300,000 Pictures」が国際放送局長賞特賞を受賞しました!!
NHK WORLD 特番「南三陸町30万枚の写真は語る」(2021年5月8日放送)
宮城県南三陸町で写真スタジオを営む佐藤信一さん。2011年3月11日の巨大地震発生直後、一眼レフカメラ1台だけを持って高台へ避難した。大津波が故郷の町と多くの人々の命を飲み込んでいく。佐藤さんは夢中でシャッターを切った。その時から南三陸町の復興への道のりを記録し続けることになった。写真の中に映し出された絶望と無念、人々の葛藤、そして復興への決意と一筋の希望の光。写真の数は30万枚に及ぶ。震災から10年を迎える今年、佐藤さんが掲げたテーマは「震災10年 未来への『希望』 」。佐藤さんがファインダーを通して見つめ続けてきた被災者たちの心の軌跡を追う。
NHK World Special Program, “Recovery in 300,000 Pictures” (Airs May 8th, 2021)
After the massive earthquake of March 11, 2011 struck his hometown Minamisanriku, photographer Sato Shinichi quickly evacuated to high ground with nothing but his camera. A tsunami of unprecedented scale would soon claim the lives of many of his fellow residents. In its aftermath he created a photographic record of what followed. Some 300,000 images in all. 10 years later, we peer through his lens to discover the despair and regret as well as the hope and will to recover of his fellow survivors.
[Promotional Materials]
Sato Shinichi runs a small photography studio in the town of Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture. On March 3rd, 2011, immediately after a massive earthquake, he evacuated to high ground carrying nothing but his camera. A tsunami of unprecedented scale would go on to claim the lives of many of his fellow residents. As though in a dream, he started shooting. From that day forward, he continued on to create a photographic record of his hometown’s road to recovery. In pictures he took we find despair and regret, human conflict as well as the will to recover and the glimmer of hope. 300,000 photographs in all. This year, 10 years after the earthquake, Sato’s theme is, “10 Years Later: Hope for the Future.” We peer through the viewfinder to see the ups and downs of his fellow survivors.
・Owner of the Saryo Photo Studio in the Minamisanriku San-san Shotengai shopping district, Sato Shinichi (age 55). In addition to its daily day to day operations, the studio also features a display of 150 photos spanning from the day to the earthquake through the process of recovery. He continues on in his role as story teller preserving the memories of the disaster for posterity.
・For Sato, shooting photos of people immediately after the March 11, 2011 earthquake became so painful he nearly gave up. But the words of a fellow survivor, "Keep shooting! There’s nobody by you who will," pushed him to carry on.
・Sato continues to take pictures of the road to reconstruction and some of the shots he’s taken have a special significance, like the group photo of his son’s third-year junior high school class who graduated in March, 2011. Now, 10 years after the earthquake, the kids from the photo have become adults. He made up his mind to document their life’s journeys by taking pictures of them in the present. There’s Takahashi Katsuhiro, who works as a second-generation fisherman in the area, supporting reconstruction working the seas that once swallowed the town. And Sato Yoko who works at a Tokyo IT company seeking to use the skills she has acquired to help rebuild her hometown. Nishijo Mizuki encouraged her classmates with song on the night of the earthquake. Every day she pursues her dreams to become a singer who gives hope to all. Sato aims to bring these young people living their lives back together for one more group photo as an addendum to the original.